Mingus Mapps for Portland Mayor

Mingus Mapps for Portland mayor

Leadership you can trust, Experience Portland needs

City of Portland illustration

PORTLAND needs the courage to change.

I have a strong record of accomplishments in the past three years that I’ve been a Portland City Commissioner, and I am proud of what we have done, while also recognizing that we still have a lot of work to do!

We need the courage to say things aren’t working.

We need the courage to admit what Hasn’t worked.

We need the courage to move in a different direction.

Mingus Mapps candidate for Portland Mayor


Click each item to read more

Revitalized and supercharged

Drastically lowered

Successfully helped negotiate the use of

Revolutionized Porltand’s

Expanded the

Mingus Mapps rose logo

In his own voice

Support local Change

Portland will match the first $20 of your donation 9-1 under Portland’s progressive small donor program.
Your first $20 will bring in $200 to the campaign!